Extrusion Coating Insights
Use Corona, Flame & Ozone to Improve Quality & Productivity
Corona treating, flame treating and ozone treating can all be used to improve adhesion and performance of an extrusion coating line.
Flame is often used to treat paperboard to remove fibers. Corona is used on films to improve coating and print adhesion.
Ozone treatment has special benefits in the extrusion coating process. Ozone can improve bonding adhesion, enable lower extrudate temperatures, and promote higher line speeds.

Contact us for more insights on how Enercon surface treaters can improve your extrusion coating line’s performance.
WIDELY USED In Extrusion Coating for:
Corona Benefits
Primary, Pre & Post Treatment
Flame Benefits
Treat Kraft paper board at high speeds
Ozone Benefits
Better adhesion, faster line speeds, lower melt temperature, reduced odor, & extrudate air gap
Plastic Films
Aluminum Foils
Flexible Packaging
Aseptic Packages